Monday, June 23, 2008


Picture of my piano. My grandma bought me this piano a long time ago. I you look very closely you can see that they Ivory keys are chipped away and a little discolored. I love my piano and all of it's flaws.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Having Fun

These first few pictures are from the Riverdale River Park Way by our home.

Kaya is just loving that she can play outside all the time.

Dylen just recently learned to ride his bike with out the training wheels.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


These photo's were taken last Saturday when the traveling wall memorial was in Ogden, Ut.
My husband and I thought it would be a neat thing to go see as we think we will never make it to the actual memorial. There were stories of the men and of their families in all of this be they were very hard to photograph with the reflections from the sun on them but these were what I came up with and I hope you enjoy them.

We make war that we may live in peace.........Aristotel