The link above is to the channel 2 news website. My dad, Roy, was out on Antelope Island a few weeks ago taking pictures. The people there were doing an interview with a gentleman that frequents the area. They spotted my dad and interviewed him and he ended up with his own little cameo on the show. He was thrilled to be noticed by them. And in turn it may just help him out with many more day of retirement ahead of him.
I am so proud of him. He has always had a great love for photography. It is were I got my passion from. He is soon planning a trip to southern Utah with my mom where they are going to spend a goodly amount of time doing much the same as they do around here in the picture department.
I am so proud of him. He has always had a great love for photography. It is were I got my passion from. He is soon planning a trip to southern Utah with my mom where they are going to spend a goodly amount of time doing much the same as they do around here in the picture department.